Even the worst day out on the golf course beats the best day in the office, but nothing derails your fun and excitement golfing faster than a wicked slice.
Unfortunately, almost all of us suffer from this nasty habit.

According to research from Golf.com, more than 70% of all golfers feel like their slice is their “greatest golf since.” I happen to agree with them – my slice is sharper than a razor blade!
Making things worse, of course, is how much of a nightmare it is to figure out a slice and fix it.
Golfers spring for lessons. We invest in “slice proof” clubs, we fiddle with our mechanics. And we are willing to listen to pretty much anyone that tells us how to blast a ball straight (especially with a driver).
Unfortunately for most of us, none of that helps.
Sure, if you’re lucky (like I was), you might be able to corral a wicked slice now and again with extreme focus and hours of practice.
But it’s fun-fill and takes lots of energy for your ball game, especially suppose all you are focusing on is your drive and iron every time.
Imagine it if you never had to worry about slice again – and didn’t have to monkey around with your swing, either.
Imagine being able to walk up to the tee box and slap a shot straight down the middle of the fairway, landing in the fluff. Getting it ready for an approach shot that’ll stick you right on the green – without having to buy special clubs or muscling a new grip, either.
Sound too good to be true?
Maybe for some folks.
But once you know how to get your hands on the best golf balls for slicers. Balls designs specifically flatten out your flight path while giving you more distance and forgiveness when they land. Then, you’ll know what it feels like to play golf slice-free.
Let’s dive right in.
Our Best Golf Ball Picks For Slicers
Callaway Golf Supersoft Golf Balls (Best Review)
- Decrease the slice chance
- great impact sounds
- most beginner’s choice
Titleist Pro V1 Golf Balls (Pro Pick)
- Most Recommended by pro players
- anti slice feature
- Most reviews on Amazon
Will a Better Golf Ball Reduce Your Slice?
I spent a small fortune on lessons and clubs before finding the right golf ball for my swing and almost overnight solving my slicing problems. And who knows how much time pounding it out on the driving range.
Seriously. I was on some sort of sick mission to crack the code that would eliminate my slice, mainly because it was so vicious in the first place.
Unlike many other golfers (maybe you, even), my slice wasn’t a “baby slice.”
Nasty right out of the gate, my slice was terrible when I was using my driver. It’s to the point where I pretty much gave up using it altogether and instead started driving only with a four-iron.
Sure, once in a while, I’d have a shot that screamed right off of the driver’s face pretty straight (at least in the beginning).
But inevitably, it would start to hook, it would begin to pull, and then it would veer off directly to the right (I’m a righty) like a cruise missile. So it is sometimes landing on the fairway over four in the lumberyard.
Did everything you can imagine to get a handle on this problem
I adjusted my stance, getting my feet lined up to create and into our swing path. It pretty much overhauled my entire swing entirely with this approach, but I still wasn’t able to get that driver to straighten things out.
The next thing I did was start fiddling with my backswing and with my grip. Again, I tried all different kinds of tempos, tried all types of “rotational drills.” And I tried closing my clubface almost entirely, and still, nothing worked. It’s to the point where it was laughably noticeable by my playing partners.
Believe it or not, I had pretty much given up entirely on the game of golf until a buddy of mine told me to try a new ball.
He didn’t tell me which ball to try – only that I might have better results with something different – and encouraged me to start down that roller coaster pathway.
I got in deep, too. Real deep
I didn’t just try different brands, either (though I did that too). I used everything under the sun from Callaway, TaylorMade, Titleist, and Bridgestone. But I used two-piece balls, three and four-piece balls, and even five and six-piece balls as well.
I used budget options, and I used the most expensive golf balls on the planet. Golf balls price so sky-high that the second you sink into the water or bury one in the woods, you know you have lit a five-dollar bill on fire.
I discovered, though, that the golf ball you choose makes a significant impact on whether or not you are going to slice.
In just a minute, I’m going to run you through my favorite ten golf balls for folks that like to slice. Still, before we get into the meat and potatoes, it’s important to tell you why these golf balls are so unique (at eliminating slices, anyway).
For starters, my favorite choices generally slam the door on high spin speeds.
Many people like to play “live” balls that offer superb control and feel the second you get on or around the greens. Still, I can tell you from experience – and a bunch of experts and instructors, too. That there’s nothing worse for a slicer to play than a high-speed ball.
High spinning and even mid spinning balls are going to create a world of hurt for you.
Everything you put into your swing (especially with a driver, for example) is going to be translated to the spin and rotation of your golf ball tenfold and then some.
That means that if your swing path is out of whack, even just a little bit (one of the common culprits for slices), it’s only going to be more pronounced when you have high spin balls in your bag.
No, coming off of the tee box, you’re going to want to use lower spinning golf balls more often than not.
These are the balls that are going to fly straightest, that are going to roll out a little further when they land, and that generally are going to amp up your distances a little bit.
They might not cut through the wind quite as well as a high spin ball will (unless you hit a knockdown shot). Still, you will have to worry about creaming somebody on the next hole over with an errant slice, either.
Below we go through some of the best golf balls money can buy for slicers, the kind of golf balls that are still going to give you the forgiveness you need. With the distance, you are looking for and the feel around the greens, you want to shoot lower scores without getting slapped every time you pull out the driver.
These are the kind of golf balls you’ll want to rock and roll with if your slice is nasty. So, consequently, they are the golf ball that I most often have in my bag.
In the end, I run down my absolute favorite, cover a couple of other tips and tricks you want to think about and go over some frequently asked questions.
But by the time you complete the inside information in this guide, you’ll have a good idea of the kind of golf balls you want to load up with the next time you go to play.
Top 10 Best Golf Balls for Slicers
1.Callaway Golf Supersoft Golf Balls
Callaway golf balls were considered the “gold standard” until maybe 10 or 15 years ago. When Titleist and TaylorMade specifically started to hammer the golf industry with flashy ads and athlete partnerships.
Today, though, Callaway is enjoying a bit of a resurgence, thanks in large part to these Supersoft golf balls.
Beloved by professionals all over the tour because of the excellent feel they offer when using short irons and wedges, you end up with a golf ball (a two-piece golf ball). It provides a lot of forgiveness without high sky levels of spin when you use your driver.
Interestingly enough, these balls have different levels of spin when using a driver or a long iron versus your short irons and your wedges.
The grooves and the kind of swing you put into a driver and long irons produce a much lower spinning ball, resulting in a smooth flight path. Generally pretty straight and will be a lot more resistant to spinning to the side the way that most slicers use to.
The super affordable price point is another huge advantage that these Callaway Supersoft golf balls enjoy compared to the competition. You can pick up twice as many of these golf balls for the same price as a dozen Titleist ProV1 golf balls.
You expect to launch these into the woods or the water; that’s going to be a key consideration.
Another huge advantage that these golf balls have compared to others that I tested is the unique low compression core smack dab in the middle of these balls.
Pioneered by the folks at Callaway, the low compression core guarantees a ball speed that is significantly faster than usual, which improves distance while cutting down on spin simultaneously.
You do get a little more lift with this kind of engineering, though, so be aware of that before you start slapping these around on a windy day.
These Callaway golf balls tend to rise even in windless conditions, but add a little bit of a breeze, and they can balloon on you in a hurry if you’re not careful.
On the pro side of things, the supersoft feel of these balls separates them from the rest of the pack in a big way.
The two-piece construction help to cut down on your slice, and the low price point isn’t something you’ll want to overlook, either. These golf balls are available in a bunch of different colors too.
On the negative side, though, some people will find these golf balls “too soft” – especially when using short irons or wedges.
You’re not going to get the same kind of spin; you need to walk back a chip shot, and golfers with lower handicaps or near scratch probably won’t be able to play as well as they like to with these in the bag.
Those are all critical things to consider for sure.
Read more here:
Callaway Golf Supersoft Golf Balls Review
2.TaylorMade Noodle Long and Soft Golf Ball
TaylorMade Noodle golf balls (especially the Long and Soft variety) are some of the most popular golf balls on the planet. You’re looking for something that offers a bit more distance and forgiveness without having to spend a small fortune.
Noodle golf balls are always intended explicitly for golfers with slower swing speeds, and these aren’t any different.
Generally, slower swing speeds will not produce the kind of wicked spin necessary to pump out a vicious slice. Still, these balls design nonetheless to eliminate slices as well.
You will be able to add quite a bit of extra distance to your swings when you are teaming these up. Though. The dimple pattern design to reduce drag and straighten out your ball flight.
It tells you to eliminate a little bit of your ability to “walk” your ball or shape it during your shot, but that’s a trade-off. Most people with a nasty slice are more than happy to make 9 times out of 10.
Super inexpensive, many brand-new players to the game reach for these golf balls more often than not. In addition, they suit beginners and older players that have slower swing speeds.
Anyone with a higher swing speed (especially with a driver) will probably want to look elsewhere.
You’ll lose a lot of distance and a lot of control when you start uncorking your swings with these balls.
All in all, there’s a lot to like when it comes to the Noodle options from TaylorMade. The value is there, the compression rating is halfway decent, and you certainly won’t ever have to worry about slicing your shots when you’re using these.
Read more here:
TaylorMade Noodle Long and Soft Golf Ball Review
3.Vice Pro Plus Golf Balls
Vice jumped headfirst into the premium golf ball world as a direct competitor to Titleist ProV1 golf balls, promising the same performance in the same capabilities at a fraction of the price point.
One of the fastest-growing golf equipment manufacturers anywhere on the planet. Plenty of people have bought into the promises made by Vice with their Vice Pro Plus golf balls. And the research backs those folks up, too.
The rumor is that Vice could get their hands on protective equipment for the original Titleist ProV1 golf balls when the patent expired. Still, other folks say that Vice has pioneered their similar design but not infringing on Pro V1 while producing the same results.
The truth is probably somewhere in between, but at the end of the day, the result with Vice Pro Plus golf balls is that they flat out work when you’re looking to control your slice in a big way.
This German-based company ships its golf balls worldwide. It has a direct-to-consumer business model that cuts down on costs significantly. So it’s not hard to get your hands on ProV1-Esque golf balls from Vice for half the price (or less) than what you would expect to spend.
These balls are soft, straight, and designed with distance in mind. And it also acts pretty livelily around the greens. Your driver’s swing speed sits anywhere between 90 mph and 110 mph (about average for a youngish golfer). So you will be able to make the most of everything these Vice Pro Plus balls bring to the table.
You should know that these golf balls will spend a little more than some of the other options on this list. The average spin rate for these off of a driver sits at about 2200 RPM.
That’s not the highest spinning golf ball by any stretch of the imagination. Still, it is just slightly faster spinning than Titleist ProV1 balls and something you want to be aware of all the same.
If you do end up going down the Vice rabbit hole, just know that it’s not hard to become a super advocate and almost evangelical for the company.
A lot of my golf stuff – shirts, hats, bags, and gear – is Vice now, and a lot of it has to do with how well their equipment performs and how cool it looks, too!
Read more here:
Vice Pro Plus Golf Balls Review
4.Callaway Superhot Bold Matte Golf Balls
The versatility of these Callaway golf balls is always impressive, especially since they are somehow able to squeeze a bit of extra distance for you. Have lower levels of drag for straighter flights, and yet somehow still have higher spin rates around the green to help you flip and stick your shots in your short game.
I don’t know how the folks at Callaway have been able to pull this off as successfully as they do. All I know for sure is that it didn’t take long for me to like everything these had to offer.
They feel a little bit “harder” than the Supersoft options we mentioned above, but that’s to expect. These golf balls are, after all, designed to be “harder” than those softer options – and that means that they prioritize ball speed and launch angle a little more than feel.
Still, you definitely will handle these Callaway golf balls and notice that they are very much a premium option without a premium price tag attached. They shoot straight right off of a driver, crippling your slice almost wholly.
It is all done by reducing the spin-off of your driver in a big way. Unlike many other slice-proof options, that trade-off results in less “workability” with these Callaway golf balls. These are generally something you are going to have to be okay.
Available in a lot of really bright and bold fluorescent colors, for some reason, the fluorescent red golf ball seems to fly the farthest than the rest.
Maybe that’s just my overall impression, or maybe there’s something to be coloring/coating material that makes it a little “harder” than the rest.
All I know is that I didn’t feel like I was punching the fluorescent yellow Callaway balls out nearly as far as I was sending the bright red ones downrange.
Your mileage may vary.
Luckily, these Callaway golf balls are relatively inexpensive. That means you won’t have to spend a lot of money trying different options and finding one that works best for you.
Read more here:
Callaway Superhot Bold Matte Golf Balls Review
5.Callaway Hex Soft Golf Balls
Callaway makes these golf balls specifically with low spin rates in mind, significantly reducing slices to the point. In addition, they proudly advertise these balls as “slice free” right on the packaging itself.
I can tell you from personal experience that these are some of the best golf balls on the planet for eliminating your slices. However, they aren’t necessarily the softest feeling balls around the green when you need a little bit more touch.
Compression on these golf balls is significantly lower than what you’d expect from more premium options. That’s going to reduce the feeling that you get off of your clubs, especially when you really “pure” a ball.
Some people find that uncomfortable (including me), and it may take a little bit of time for you to get used to it.
It’s not like hitting these Callaway balls feels like slapping rocks around the course with your clubs (the way you might think if you’re using dirt-cheap Top Flites). Still, it isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world – especially if you have been hitting premium balls more often than not.
These are two-piece balls, though, that have been injected with proprietary Callaway technology in the core to produce a straighter flight path.
That’s a massive advantage for people that slice right off of the tee box. You’ll know for sure that your shots will go where you are aiming 99% of the time.
The proprietary cover of the Hex Callaway golf balls is a little unique, too. Durability is a priority here, but that just adds to the hardness of these golf balls.
Just know that they will sound a little “funny” when you start to hit them. Even if you are punching an amount of the sweet spot, you’re still going to get a little bit of extra vibration through the club.
As long as you can prepare for that in advance, these issues probably won’t outweigh hitting straighter drives almost all the time.
Read more here:
Callaway Hex Soft Golf Balls Review
6.TaylorMade TP5x Golf Balls
Though some people in the golf world find TaylorMade a little “gimmicky.” Many other players appreciate the willingness TaylorMade has to try and experiment with new things and new approaches.
They make some of the best golf clubs on the planet (there’s a reason why Tiger Woods is playing TaylorMade sticks now, after all). But, unfortunately, they have also started to pump out some of the best golf balls money can buy, too.
These golf balls – the TP5x series – are still relatively new and are still classified as “prototypes.”
It fills to the brim with proprietary TaylorMade technology and engineering. These three-piece golf balls utilize proprietary, progressive compression technology. It’s resulting in a softer feel, a straighter flight path, and lower levels of spin without compromising distance or consistency.
Three layers throughout the ball contribute to the overall impact on the course, starting with a central core that speeds things up without throwing your golf ball out of balance.
The second layer enables maximum energy transfer throughout the golf ball. The third layer (the outer layer) offers a lot of durability without feeling too complex. It has a dimple pattern that cuts down on spin.
You end up with a golf ball that flies far and straight, a perfect match for those with particularly vicious slices like myself.
You’ll also be able to get a higher launch angle when you are punching these TaylorMade golf balls off of the deck or off of a tee. The soft feel offers a little more control around the green, though you won’t be able to walk them back or stick them like a dart quite the same way you can with higher spin golf balls.
Read more here:
TaylorMade TP5x Golf Balls Review
7.TaylorMade Rocketballz Golf Balls
These golf balls were released back in 2012 right alongside the TaylorMade Rocketballz series of golf clubs, with both pieces of equipment designed to work hand-in-hand with one another.
Replacing the top-rated TaylorMade Penta golf ball series, fans of this company had extremely high expectations. But, instead, they found out that these would be returning those beloved options.
I was one of the TaylorMade fans waiting to see how these new golf balls would stack up against the older generation. However, I fully admit that I had some biases against them just because they were brand-new (at the time).
Boy, I couldn’t have been happier to have been proven so wrong!
The feel of these golf balls is slightly softer than what the previous generation offered. Still, the performance was absolutely off the charts.
These balls were reaching distances 25% beyond anything I was getting with the older TaylorMade options, and they were flying a lot faster and a lot straighter as well.
Sure, they have a little bit of “clickiness” still today that can be annoying compared to some of the super soft options available. But all in all, they are a high-quality golf ball designed to cut down on your slices by basically stopping all access spin completely.
I tried these balls (and all the other contenders for best golf ball for slicers on this list) with a launch monitor, and I was getting 300 RPM less with these balls than most of the other choices.
That ends up producing significantly less movement off the tee box. Still, it also reduced my potential to slice when I was using longer irons too.
Read more here:
TaylorMade Rocketballz Golf Balls Review
8.Titleist Pro V1 Golf Balls
Titleist ProV1 golf balls are the gold standard in the golf world, not just because so many professionals play them (and almost all of them do). But they flat outperform a lot better than most everything under the sun.
Titleist had a runaway homerun hit with these golf balls when folks found Tiger Woods was using them to win a significant after a major championship.
Many people saw Tiger using a “Nike ball” when he was out on the course. Still, the overwhelming majority of them have no idea that Nike was buying Titleist ProV1 balls directly from Titleist. And it is rebranding them (with full permission) and rolling them out as their own.
As soon as that news broke, people couldn’t help but get their hands on Titleist ProV1 balls as quickly as humanly possible. If they probably couldn’t make as much use out of the performance and engineering injected into these balls the way that a legend like Tiger can.
The most exciting thing about these golf balls is that they are three-piece options but utilize various materials. And construction approaches that produce something that flies a lot straighter lands a lot softer and still has the feel you are looking for around the green.
Some of that is because of the cast urethane cover that is 17% thinner than most other options. Still, a lot of it comes down to the dimple pattern that Titleist spent years and years designing and developing in wind tunnels.
The result is a costly golf ball that feels great in hand and even better when you smack it perfectly with a driver.
You might not get the complete slice control out of the Titleist ProV1 golf balls that you will with some of our other ten best golf ball for slicers options throughout this guide. Still, you will be able to wrangle the worst of your slice thanks to the technology shoehorned into this top option.
Sure, the sticker price on a box of Titleist ProV1 balls is enough to make anyone things, especially if you’re prone to lose one or two every round out.
But suppose you want the ball that the overwhelming majority of professionals are playing today (and probably the overwhelming majority of golfers around the world, truth be told). In that case, you’re going to want to pay the cash to get your hands on this ball ASAP.
Read more here:
Titleist Pro V1 Golf Balls Review
9.Titleist Tour Soft Golf Balls
These Titleist golf balls are a step below the Pro V1 “flagship,” but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they will not be the best golf ball for slicers.
Titleist promotes these golf balls as tour-level options, similar in almost every way to the golf balls that professionals use when they compete.
And while there might not be too many people out there running Tour Soft on the professional circuit. The odds are excellent that most of them are using them in practice. And a lot of amateurs have won a lot of hardware using these balls for sure.
Like Callaway’s Chrome Soft golf balls in many different ways, the significant difference with these Titleist options. They use a unique urethane covering and dimple pattern that cuts down on ball spin a little more.
That engineering decision reduces giant hooks big time, making these some of the 10 best golf balls for slicers on the market right now for sure. You’ll be able to reel in your slice in a big way when you’re using these balls.
Read more here:
Titleist Tour Soft Golf Balls Review
10.Titleist TruFeel Golf Balls
It was recognizing that companies like Vice and TaylorMade were finding ways to offer longer-distance golf balls. That flew flatter and straighter flight patterns with significantly reduced spend. So Titleist went back to the drawing board and reengineered their “budget option” to compete head-to-head with those choices.
Today, the Titleist TruFeel golf balls rank amongst the most popular entry-level options. Especially for beginner golfers that are having a tough time getting a handle on their slice.
The softest Titleist golf ball ever made, you will be able to enjoy an incredible feel with this golf ball right off of the tee. Still, you’re also going to enjoy better control on the fairway and around the greens.
The greenside control you get from these golf balls is a big part of why so many people consider them among the best golf balls for slicers.
While you cut down on the spin that your driver produces big time, you don’t eliminate spin and feel around the greens when you’re using your short irons and your wedges.
I don’t know what kind of black magic Titleist uses to create a golf ball that acts differently depending on the club and swing you are using, but somehow they have pulled it off.
It blows me away every time I try them out (even if I do like some of the other ten best golf balls for slicers options on the list a little better).
Read more here:
Titleist TruFeel Golf Balls Review
Golf Ball Buying Guide
Now that I’ve broken down my favorite ten best golf balls for slicers options. It’s time to dig a little deeper into the key considerations you’ll want to think about before you pull the trigger on this kind of purchase.
For starters, you need to prioritize low spin over everything else when you want to eliminate your slice most of all.
High spin golf balls and even medium spin golf balls will cause you a world of hassle and headache.
Your driver is a specific engineer to push a lot of spin into each goal shot. If that spin isn’t a perfect backspin (if it is even just slightly rotating out of access), your ball is going to fishhook into oblivion more often than not.
Low spend has to be priority number one.
Secondly, it’s a good idea to get your hands on two-piece or three-piece golf balls that can cut down on your slice instead of one-piece or four and five-piece balls.
One-piece golf balls are cheap, and kind of feel like you are- hitting rocks around the course. They aren’t going to cut down on your slice, and they aren’t going to help your game in any other way, either.
It’s a four and five-piece golf balls designs for more experienced players with higher swing speeds. And those that generally don’t have to worry about unintentional slices all that much.
Sure, you might be able to squeeze a little bit of extra distance out of each shot when you’re using these four and five-piece balls. And made enjoy a little more feel in control around the green – but the amount of spin you can put into these multi-piece golf balls can cause slices on steroids.
Finally, it’s essential to think about how much money you’re willing to drop on a box of golf balls, too.
You’ve undoubtedly discovered that some of my choices for slicers’ 10 best golf balls cover many different price ranges. That wasn’t on accident!
Everyone has a different budget they are working with when it comes to golf “ammunition.”
Some folks will have a heart attack when they drop a cheap ball into the water, and others will blink when they sink ProV1 after ProV1 into the woods.
Before you pull the trigger on a box of golf balls, just make sure that you divide the total price tag by the dozen balls in the box. That lets you know just how much money you are (potentially) throwing away every time you lose one.
By controlling your slice, you’re going to be able to eliminate a lot of those lost balls, but your golf ball choice isn’t going to make you a scratch golfer instantly. So keep that in mind before you load up on ammo!
Final Words
You really can’t go wrong with any of the 10 best golf ball for slicers options highlighted above.
Some of them are better suited to brand-new golfers (the TaylorMade Noodle balls for sure). In contrast, some are better suited to more experienced golfers that need to get their slice under control (I’m looking at you, ProV1s).
As long as you zero in on the options highlighted above, you should be able to get that slice under control without a lot of extra effort.
It’s still a good idea to groove a swing that eliminates slices with regular practice sessions, and you want to get your grip and your mechanics down as well.
But it’s never a bad idea to load your bag with “slice proof” golf balls like the ones we highlighted above to give you a bit of an extra edge and advantage, too.
Just don’t be surprised if you start carding significantly lower scores. Now you don’t have to worry about your slices bombing golfers two or three holes over!