How Much Does a Golf Ball Weight?

According to the official rules and regulations of the game of golf, the ball used for the game has to be a specific size and weight.

Because of this, you don’t ever have to wonder how much a golf ball weighs because most of them are very close to the same size. 

The official rules of golf say that a golf ball should weigh no more than 45.93 grams, which is 1.620 ounces. They also have to have a diameter of not less than 42.67 millimeters, which is 1.680 inches. 

As you can likely guess, there are also rules and regulations regarding other aspects of the ball, which we will look at now.

In addition to a weight of 1.620 ounces and a diameter of 1.680 inches, the United States Golf Association and organizations in other countries. They have determined that golf balls must also meet specific requirements for their distance, velocity, and symmetry.

It must check each golf ball before a tournament to make sure that it meets these requirements. If it doesn’t, the player cannot use the ball in any official tournament or game.

How Much Does a Golf Ball Weigh?

How Much Does a Golf Ball Weight

We’ve now determined the proper weight and diameter of a golf ball.

Now, let’s look at other important factors when choosing the right golf ball. Golf balls must also have a symmetrical arrangement of dimples on the surface and be spherical. 

Other restrictions mentioned in official manuals published by the USGA and other organizations usually have to do with the depth and radius of the dimples. The maximum total distance during tests when they launch from specific equipment and the entire launch speed.

Why be so picky about golf balls?

His answer is straightforward. All players expect to start on the same playing field, so to speak, so the ball has to be the same way for every player and every game for everything to be as fair as possible.

 If one player’s ball is off by even a tiny amount, it could give that player an unfair advantage and skew the game’s outcome.

Other Aspects of Today’s Golf Balls

Many people don’t realize that before 1990, there was an “American” golf ball and a “British” golf ball.

The organization in charge of golf in England allowed players to use balls less than 1.680 inches in diameter. 

It meant that those players using the British golf balls had an advantage when it came to distance, especially when it was windy outside.

Naturally, there is no need to be concerned about that now because players worldwide must meet the exact requirements for their golf balls.

Of course, golf balls do have a few characteristics that make them a little different than the others sometimes.

For instance, today’s golf ball manufacturers make them out of many different materials. It allows the balls to suit the player’s needs a little better, especially if they’re playing casually and in non-tournament play. 

When the manufacturers do this, they consider three main features of the ball: the spin, the compression, and the pattern of the dimples. Let’s take a look at each of these.

The Spin

By “spin,” we mean how much of the ball’s surface will hit the clubface at impact.

A high-spin ball will allow more of the surface to hit that clubface, which results in a better distance, better forward motion, and more oomph. In addition, it means that you’re much more likely to place that ball in the right spot on the green. 

Unfortunately, balls made this way typically make with lighter materials, which means they are not always as durable as those made with heavier or thicker materials.

The Compression

Compression refers to the core layers of the ball and their specific hardness level. A ball higher in compression is more brutal. As a result, it will fly a lot further, whereas a low-compression golf ball is softer and opposite.

The softer, low-compression balls are often preferred over the harder ones because you get great backspin with them whenever you’re using lofted irons.

Both low- and high-compression balls have their pros and cons, so they offer something for all golfers and make it easy for you to get the results you want.

The Dimples’ Pattern

Yes, in addition to the weight, diameter, hardness level, and symmetry, as well as other things, the pattern of the dimples of your golf ball is also somewhat regulated.

In short, the regulations state that the dimple pattern on the ball must be as symmetrical as possible. Still, it doesn’t go any further than that. 

In other words, there is nothing in the rule book that dictates the size of those dimples or that they have to be in any uniform position.

Because of this, golf ball designers have free reign over certain aspects of the dimple pattern. As a result, it gives golfers different types of spins with every kind of golf ball they purchase.

Why Is the Size So Important?

So we’ve answered the question, how much does a golf ball weigh?

Now, the next question for many people maybe, why is the weight and diameter so important? In addition to leveling the playing field for the golfers, there are other reasons why the golf ball has to be this particular size. They include:

  • Balls weighing more than 1.620 ounces don’t offer the best velocity.
  • Heavier golf balls make it tougher to reach the distance you want.
  • Heavy balls can negatively affect both the spin and the launching angle.
  • Heavy golf balls likely won’t fly right, meaning that they won’t fly high enough.

In other words, the weight of the ball can change almost everything about your following golf game results.

The USGA and other organizations don’t just set these standards to be complicated or want all players to have the same shot at winning the game. 

Hey, also do it because they realize that players won’t get results they are happy with if a golf ball is too heavy. It makes it much more challenging to play a good game and enjoy it while you’re playing it.

Other Regulations for Golf Balls

In addition to the other regulations, are there additional specifications when it comes to golf balls? Yes, there are a few more, and these include:

  • They cannot exceed the USGA’s sanctioned initial velocity limit.
  • They cannot make out of materials that could increase a player’s performance.
  • They cannot deform any dents or cracks since this could affect the ball’s aerodynamics.
  • They can color brightly and white, including yellow, green, and blue, among others.

If all this sounds confusing, don’t worry because if you have any questions about playing with the right golf ball, you can visit sites such as or They will help you determine if you have the proper ball or not.

Currently, over 1,000 models of golf balls accept by the USGA for tournament play. So, it would help if you didn’t have to go far to make sure you get a golf ball approved by the USGA and other organizations.

In the end, while an “illegal” ball may help you play a little better, it simply isn’t worth the risk because two things could happen. First, you could disqualify yourself from the game; second, it can ruin your reputation.

It is simply better to play fair and use the right golf ball for every game. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it can also save you a lot of headaches in the future.


While golf balls have to be a certain weight and diameter, these are not arbitrary regulations by any means. On the contrary, the USGA and other international organizations have good reasons for these stipulations.

They are there to level the playing field and give every golfer the same opportunity to score well and win the game.

Golf balls are sometimes inspected before a tournament to ensure that they fully comply with the regulations set forth by these organizations. It means that golfers should never consider not playing by the rules.

Fortunately, finding regulation golf balls is not difficult; in fact, you can buy them in hundreds of places online. Visiting the USGA website is a big help because it will tell you precisely which balls are “regulation” and which ones aren’t.

You might as well go ahead and buy lots of them while you’re at it to make it convenient for you. But even if you only buy a few, don’t worry because, again, there are more than 1,000 golf balls approves by the USGA for regular and tournament play. They are both easy to find and easy to afford.

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