Are you struggling to put it straight? Then, you’re at the right place. We are here to guide you!
Putting straight is a must-have skill in golf. But, more than a skill, it’s an essential requirement for enhancing gaming skills.
However, not everyone is excellent at putting straight. It requires proper knowledge and a lot of practice to improve your putting. In this guide, we will share a step-by-step guide following which you can put straight every time while you play.

Not just that, we will also share some practical tips and tricks for putting green. But don’t worry, we will not talk technically and keep it as valuable and straightforward as possible. So the guide is going to be easy to understand and simple to learn.
By following it, you’ll have more putts and added fun on the greens.
You don’t need to buy new clubs or master pro strokes; all you need to do is learn from this guide and practice, practice, practice!!
So, without wasting any more time, let’s begin!
Quick Look For How To Putt Straight Every Time
Things You Need To Know Before Getting Started
Two concepts are essential for perfect alignment on the greens. These are :
- A coin that has a stripe on it
- A golf ball with a stripe
You can either draw these manually using a sharpie or use a commercial product to draw straight lines on the coin and ball.
Also, always draw with a permanent marker because temporary markers rub off easily.
6 Step To Putt Straight Every Time
Step 1: Look Around The Green
First things first, approach the green and look around to see the hole’s location concerning your ball.
Now decide whether it is downhill or uphill? Then find the answers to the following questions.
- Is the ball on a lower or higher tier of a pin?
- Is the green uphill or downhill after you shave off the ball to the hole?
If your putt is uphill, you’re good, and you can try to be more aggressive on your stroke. And if your putt is downhill, you need to practice hitting the ball more softly.
Step 2: Mark Your Ball And Quickly Guess A-Line
Now, look at the green between the hole and the ball and guess again bee. Be quick, and don’t worry. You don’t need to be very accurate here as you’ll be adjusting it twice later on.
Once you guessed the line, look at your putt. If it is right to leave, mark the ball with a stripe, using a permanent marker, and make sure the line point towards the right side of the hole.
Next, line the coin stripe up according to the line and the putt.
Now, please pick up your ball and assess it. Check if it is properly aligned or not.
Step 3: Analyse The Green
Once you’ve marked your ball with the help of the striped coin, stand back and look around the green and look at the line your putt might be concerned with it. At this stage, you might change your mind regarding the direction of the putt.
You can also ask your caddie for some advice or make your own decisions if you experience enough. Then, once you’ve decided the line, move to the next step.
Step 4: Remark And Aim Your Ball
Now comes the critical part, i.e., remarking and aiming the ball.
For this, first look at the coin stripe pointing direction and then check the green between the hole and your ball. Next, decide the line on which you want to strike the ball. Finally, cross-check the coin line pointing direction – if it doesn’t mean, keep your ball down and pick up the coin again to find a new target.
A simple trick to do this is, find a blemish on the decided line and set the stripe of your coin on that point. Now, pick the ball and wait for your turn. When your turn comes, place the ball on the green and line up the ball’s stripe with the stripe on the coin pointed at the decided target. Make sure that the bar on your ball perfectly aligns with the putting line, then you almost be with the alignment!
Step 5: Practice The Strokes To Get An Idea About The Distance
Time to practice a few strokes. For this, stand a bit away from the ball to don’t end up hitting it during your practice.
Look at the hole and swing your club back and forth to get an idea about the distance. And because you’ve already aligned the ball, you don’t have to worry about the line alignment anymore.
All you need to focus on is the distance from the hole. Then, feel the pressure you need to use for hitting the ball past the hole.
At this time, think about the putt getting into the hole. It will give you an idea about the line and the curve you need for putting successfully. Just focus on the length of the stroke and your line before achieving the putt.
The feel you get will vary according to the distance to the hole and the uphill/downhill. The best idea is to strike the practice green before the actual round. Hit some putts from different distances downhill and uphill to get a clear sense of the greens.
There is no shortcut or trick to get the feeling of the green, the only way to get it is by practice.
Step 6: Putt The Ball
Now the most fun part is that you’ve been waiting for it.
We can assume that you’ve now fixed your line, got a feel of the green, aligned with the hole’s distance, and practiced some putting strokes. You’re now ready to hit your final putt but wait! Don’t be so quick!
The secret is pre-putt. It is straightforward and clear; you have to first line the putter according to the line and the pointed direction on your golf ball and then follow the trick given below.
First of all, make one thing very clear in your mind that there is no fixed way of putting a golf ball. So, it doesn’t matter if your putting stroke is inside to inside, open-to-closed, rounded, or any other.
You have to go with the one you’re most comfortable and confident with it. It should be the one you are very good at it. But keep in mind one thing, don’t put inside 10 feet; make this a rule of thumb!
Now, coming to the secret, don’t lift your head and move your eyes from the putt. You only have to concentrate on the ball, the hole, and the putting strategy. Never look at the ball going into the cup inside 10 feet; hear the sound!
So, this was all about how to putt straight every time. Now, let’s talk a little about the other essential things to strike off better every time. To begin with, we are sharing some points on head movement and setup.
Putting Tips on Body Parts
1.Head Movement
As we already discussed, you shouldn’t move your head even slightly throughout the putting stroke. Instead, keep your eyes laser-focused on the ball, don’t ever try to look at the putt going past the hole.
While it may sound straightforward, it is a bit tricky to follow. What happens is, after you hit the course, the unexpected anxiety from nowhere takes over. You end up looking at the ball before even hitting it.
It is the most common reason behind missing the short putts. If you keep doing this, you’ll never be able to put it straight no matter how much you try.
So, make it very clear, NEVER move your head and eyes, be very FOCUSED!
We suggest you stand with either a closed or open stance, swing your putter as per your likes, and set the ball on the right path. But don’t lift your head at any cost.
Keep your left eye straight on the ball as directly as you can. Although there is no rocket science behind it, it is easier to look at the line while putting. If you don’t keep your eyes focused, it won’t be easy to look at the bar.
We suggest putting your hands a bit ahead of the ball. It will make a perfect position by leaning the shaft forward.
Again, there is no science, so play at your convenience. However, most players get excellent results while putting their hands 6 inches ahead of the ball.
So, it’s a good idea to see if it works for you or not.
It makes the ball roll forward without any backspin. But, unfortunately, this also prevents the ball from it, thus, skidding and bouncing on the green. Generally, when the ball skids, it becomes tough to have control over the putt.
4.Shoulders, Legs, And Arms
At the time of putting, you should only move your arms and shoulders. It would be best if you never rolled your head, eyes, and wrist.
Keep your head still and your eyes directed on where your ball is resting before you strike it.
To prevent wrist movements, try to have a tight grip on your putter. For this, your putter should be of excellent quality; it shouldn’t be flimsy.
Finally, your legs should be in one place. Don’t move or transfer weight onto them.
5 Effective Putting Tips For Golfers
Always Follow Through And Hold
The most common mistakes made by almost all the golfers are moving their heads and eyes while trying to putt and just after hitting the ball.
Know that the putting movement comes through your arms and shoulders, and it should keep your other body parts still.
Once you’ve hit the ball, follow through and hold the same position till the end. At this time, you can determine your alignment.
If your putter faces direct right at the target, you can sigh in relief as you’re good. But if you’re not sure, then reset your target and hit again.
Consistency Is The Key
If you ask for a single putting tip, it will be practicing more. If you can’t practice consistently, forget about this game, you’re not going to learn and improve.
So, before you make your mind about playing golf and putting straight, prepare a routine and start practicing as much as you can. It will help you in creating a calm mindset and building confidence.
Keep Changing Your Practice Shots
While practicing hard is the key, don’t keep on practicing only one shot. For better results, always keep varying your putting shorts. For example, practice ahead of the single straight line or 20-foot putts. We are not saying this is a bad practice, but it will not help you put the actual shots in your golf tournament.
A good idea is to shoot from an uneven surface or from farther distances to practice the variations.
Keep incorporating new hurdles and challenges in your practice sessions. It will keep your gaming level up a notch, and you’ll be able to putt with great ease in your final tournament.
Keep Your Eyes Closed
Yes, you’ve read it right!
While it may sound a bit weird, this is what you should practice putting straight with more accuracy.
Generally, the pro golfers have a great sense of the green terrain and the distance surrounding them. If you want to be like them, then practice while closing your eyes.
Begin with a straight putt near the hole and try some practice shots with your open eyes. Now, shut your eyes and see if you can strike the putt. It will incorporate the much-needed challenge in your practice which will ultimately improve your game.
Keep practicing this technique until you succeed at making putts from different distances while keeping your eyes shut. In addition, it will help you to determine how hard you need to hit the ball from various distances.
Don’t Forget to Enjoy The Game.
Last but not least, enjoy your game!!
After struggling with their game and constantly failing at shots, people become very frustrated. They tend to forget that they’re playing for fun.
Don’t take the game this way. The main reason for playing golf is enjoying your time and quality time. So, keep practicing and keep learning; you’ll automatically get better with time.
Don’t let a lousy game affect you and make you dislike the game. Instead, practice and play with your friends and enjoy to the fullest.
A Quick Revision On Putting Straight Every Time
Why is it essential to put it straight? So, putting straight is the crucial skill to become a better putter.
The next thing is targeting and rolling your ball from the proper distance.
What Should Be Your Expectations?
The main issue with the straight putt is the clubber always expects the ball to pass through the hole. Therefore, it creates a lot of pressure and anxiety, which is often the missed shots.
Generally, putting uphill is easy as compared to the downhill. It is because you can stroke the ball in a complex way, eliminating the chances of your ball bouncing back or skidding. In decline, try to hit the ball at a slower pace and in a softer manner.
How Should You Practice Straight Putting?
To practice straight putting, first place a tee peg upside down on the lounge carpet and from about 6 inches putt to shove it off. It is the ideal distance for putting, and it’s often easy.
Once you get perfect at this distance, you can increase the distance little by little to increase your level.
When you keep doing this, there will come the point where you will find it hard to strike over the tee peg. It is where you need to stop increasing the distance and practice with more consistency.
Using The Carpet
Generally, the inability to hit the straight putt comes from the wrong aim. So, you need to set the proper objective as the first thing. To do this, draw a straight line using chalk on the carpet and draw another line at 90 degrees on which you can align the face of your putter.
You can now put the tee peg in this line and the putter face on the right angle you’ve drawn. It will make straight putting much easier.
Using The Rail
Now, a carpet will work for temporary practice, so consider investing in the rail, which is a great putting aid.
You can use a wooden or a metal yardstick at a push. Further, make sure that the rail is level with the surface using the bubble level.
Next, your objective should be to see how many times you can roll your ball at the length of rail without making it slipping sideways.
Once you get perfect and achieve many successful attempts, your chances for successful putt will also increase.
Most golfers use a target line as the imaginary spot for practicing their shot and then try to move their ball to this spot in the direction of the hole. It is an easier way to practice the putts without getting into the technicality.
Moreover, here is a simple suggestion, practice straight putting on a putting green as it is more productive than the other greens.
Always practice on a surface you’re familiar with and from where you can get genuine feedback. You can also practice indoors; it is more straightforward and more effective.
Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced golfer, you can always follow the below-mentioned putting tips to have great results and added fun.
Other Related Golf Putting FAQ
How Can I Make More Short Putts?
The secret tip to make more short putts is to be more aggressive and take fewer breaks. Shorts putts are a bit tricky.
Most of the players get frustrated just after trying a few shorts. First, it is very frustrating to get the ball within 4 feet for a par. Then your anxiety takes over, and your focus shifts on the ball even before hitting it. It is how you miss it.
Don’t worry about it anymore. Here we are sharing some quick fixes to this problem. The technique we are sharing requires a lot of practice. So, be very consistent and practice as much as you can.
How To Fix 1 Foot Putts
Target the center of the cup and hit it as hard as possible without moving or lifting your head even slightly. It is the best way to beat the 1-foot putts. Unfortunately, most people fail here; they lift their head and lose all the focus, which results in a softer short.
How To Fix More Than One Foot Putts
In most cases, the best idea is to target the spot inside the cup. We suggest you not go ahead right or left of the line of putt. Then, hit the putt with full power to strike the cup and prevent the shot from missing. Don’t try to trickle the ball into the cup; instead, strike at the back of the cup.
How Can I Stroke A Short Putt
The good idea is to use a long follow-through and a minimal backswing and be aggressive on the putts. In simple words, keep your follow-through longer than the backstroke. And don’t forget to keep your head focused and wait for the move.
Hit hard on the ground and once you finish practicing, bring your skill into action.
Putting a ball straight is not as difficult as it sounds.
All you need to do is practice the fitting shorts while following specific simple rules.
Follow the tips mentioned above and tricks, and you’ll surely be able to make more straight putts every single time.