How Much Does 1 Degree Of Loft Affect Distance?

Are you a golf enthusiast? Have you started taking an interest in golf lately? 

Are you wondering how much does 1 degree of loft affects distance?

Shed all your worries. You are at the correct spot. This article will answer your query and list the several things you can do to increase golf ball travel distance.

The gradual distances that you can hit with your fairway metals and hybrids can change. It is because of the varied specifications used by different manufacturers.

Therefore, you must assess all the yardages, especially the ones hit with fairway metals and hybrids. This evaluation is essential before you decide which club to change or replace in your equipment set.

Calculating your yardage will help you find out if you have the best combination of clubs. Or it would help if you rectified any yardage gaps that might be affecting your game. So maintain a chart of yardage specifications and try evaluating it.

Keep in mind that this is complete for two reasons. Firstly, you might want to divide the total hitting distances equally. Secondly, you might need a club that becomes a better fit for you.

How much does 1 degree of loft affect distance?

How Much Does 1 Degree Of Loft Affect Distance

The loft of a golf club is the angle that the clubface makes with the shaft. Drivers, along with 2 and 3 irons, have a small loft. Short irons and wedges design to have a large loft. The higher the attic of your club is, the higher the flight path of your golf ball.

The difference in distances between the two clubs generates by the loft angle and club length increase. The calculations base on a club length difference of 1/2”. It is equal to 5 yards of difference in distance.

Every 4 degrees difference in the loft angle equals 5 yards of difference in distance. So if 4 degrees of loft is not divided into increments equally, you can interpose the distance.

For example, a difference of 19 degrees between a five iron and a pitching wedge equals 19 degrees divided by 4. So it comes to 4 degrees along with 3 degrees that are leftover. Thus, when you multiply 4 by 5 yards, you will get 20 yards as a result.

The 3 degrees loft that leaves over equals 4 yards. Therefore, adding up 20 yards and 4 yards gives 24 yards as the answer. You need not be worried about this entire thing of interposition. Just a close estimate would work fine.

This calculation method is entirely error-free and is a faultless method to fit the clubs, irrespective of the distance differences in your set of irons.

Generally, a distance of 5 yards yields better results for most golfers. Still, for experts, a distance of 6 yards would be effective.

For more golfers, the general difference between their clubs is 10 yards. However, others also get 12 yards as the overall difference. Finally, expert players get 14 yards overall difference between clubs even by keeping their swings regular.

It means that you have to use 7 yards for every 1/2” club length difference. Also, you have to use 7 yards for every 4 degrees loft angle difference.

How many yards per degree of the loft?

After knowing How much does 1 degree of loft affects distance, you might wonder, “How many yards will be affecting per degree of the loft?”

The answer will be 2 yards per degree of loft. All your wedges (irons) need to have the same shaft, and you maintain consistent contact every time. 

Shaft length will also affect your distance, which is why hybrids with a 3-degree difference in the loft will have a more significant distance gap than your wedges.

How to increase golf ball travel distance?

Every golfer dreams of a better distance. From amateurs to experts, all golfers want to hit a longer length. After knowing how much does 1 degree of loft affects distance, you might be wondering how you can increase the golf ball travel distance.

There are certain everyday things that almost all golfers do. Here are the ten best methods to counter them. By implementing these strategies, you can increase the golf ball travel distance and make your game better:

Change the ball

Golf balls can make up of different materials. While some balls perform better at high speeds, some other golf balls do not. Your clubhead needs to have a special rate so that it can compress the ball for improving distance.

Have some technology that can measure particular parameters. While choosing which golf ball is the best for you, take certain popular brands of balls and get them tested out of the course. Observe how much distance the ball covers and to what extent it rolls out.

Find out more about the best golf ball for slicers from here:

10 Best Golf Balls for Slicers: FIX Your Slicing Problem!

Contact at the center

Center contact is essential for golfers. It makes the shot great by optimizing your distance. Unfortunately, most amateurs suffer from two issues. Either they hit the golf ball all over the face of the club, or they end up hitting the same spot that happens to be the wrong area.

By moving 1 inch away from the center spot, they lose around 10% of the distance.

To fix this, try spraying your club and discover where the clubface hit. In case you are shooting all over the face, your area has to minimize. You can start with smaller pitch shots and improve the center contact.

Customize your equipment

Consider upgrading your game equipment from time to time so that your game becomes better and you can hit better distances.

The clubheads’ length, design, material, and weight will help you get a faster and better swing. There are many good and reputed companies and fitters available in the market. Consult them and get the fit that is most appropriate for you.

Have an excellent sequence

All golfers desire to have a great sequence. You can achieve this by getting a seven iron and turning it upside down. Keep your feet together and as the club swings back while your right hand rests at rib high, take a small sidestep towards your target with the left foot.

Continue this for ten swings, and then turn your club over to have a normal stance. Then, again, swing the clubface back, and you can feel your step happening without taking action. It can go long to better your sequence.

Hit the gym

Working out and maintaining a good physique is essential for golfers.

You can contact fitness coaches or health experts and develop a personalized workout program. That will help you increase flexibility, strength, improve your coordination, and injury prevention.

To have a proper and healthy body, you can do yoga, TRX, pilates, at-home training, etc.

Longer hand arc

The more you take your hands back, the better distance your ball will cover. Remember not to lift your arms further and not to pick your club more than required.

You can get this right by making your shoulder, and hip turns bigger and lifting your left heel from the ground. You will have a longer hand arc by such practices.

Make use of the ground.

Footwork helps you to gain a better distance. The ground, which is a great power source, can be used to your advantage. You can start practicing this at your home by using a club to make small swings.

You will feel the weight moving from one side to another. Try lengthening the swing but keep your movement from side to side. With a better swing, your heels will come up, and with each swing, you will push off the golf ground.

More tempo

A faster tempo is crucial to gain distance. Sometimes golf players tend to slow down. You will not gain a better space if you start swinging slower.

So, it would help if you started increasing the tempo of your swing to have a better speed. By speeding up your backswing, you can increase speed in your downswing too.

Swing it fast

Practicing swinging faster will help you increase your swing speed. The main aim is to make yourself comfortable while making a faster swing and holding it until a good finish. Swinging out of control is undesirable.

You can do this by taking a seven iron and swinging the club faster than you usually do. Try to finish well. You can also start practicing with training aids having speed protocols.

Work on shaft lean

Improving the shaft lean can be challenging for many golfers. The goal is to make the post lean more forward than it was at the beginning.

The shaft of many golfers tends to lean back at impact. It is because it includes a loft and affects contacts. For this, you should use a seven iron and get into your posture.

Would you please spend some time practicing going back and coming forth to understand what impacts look and how it feels?


Now that you know how much does 1 degree of loft affects distance, it is time that you start improving your game.

Take one area at a time and put in more focus and hard work to make the change. Then, try to implement the above strategies for increasing the golf ball travel distance.

With patience, the proper focus, regular practice, and adequate effort in the right direction, you will see your game developing in no time.

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